©Sebastian Kawka for Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix ltd.
Recently Lewis Hamilton launched the Hamilton Commission, a research project aimed at identifying and overcoming barriers for Black people in UK motorsport.
Hamilton started the project in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering.
On the Academy’s website is says that the project “will work to identify the key barriers to recruitment and progression of Black people in UK motorsport, and provide actionable recommendations to overcome them.”
“Motorsport is unique in the range of roles and responsibilities in a team, particularly for individuals specialising in STEM subjects.
“The Hamilton Commission presents an opportunity to simultaneously address the under-representation of Black people in UK motorsport and the STEM sector.
“Lewis Hamilton, who was elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Academy in 2019 in recognition of his role in inspiring young people’s interest in engineering, will co-chair the Commission.”
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Here is some more info provided by the Academy.
The Board of Commissioners
The Hamilton Commission will be co-chaired by Lewis Hamilton MBE HonFREng and Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE. The Board of Commissioners is an independent group made up of 14 experts and industry leaders from the UK, who will bring a range their expertise, knowledge, and experience from their respective fields to the challenge. The Commissioners have been selected to represent a wide range of expertise spanning critical areas of influence including representatives from motorsport, engineering, schools, colleges and universities, community and youth groups working with young Black people, and representation from UK major political parties.
To see who is on the Board of Commissioners click here.
Research activities
The Hamilton Commission will undertake a range of activities to help inform the research findings. These activities will include an initial data analysis, stakeholder mapping, a literature review in sport, education and employment, as well as in-depth surveying and analysis with youth focus groups and key stakeholders. At the end of the research project, the Hamilton Commission will aim to deliver recommendations and actions addressing the challenges around STEM and the motorsport industry specific to the UK, but we hope that, where possible, the recommendations and actions from the research will be replicable internationally.
For more information on the Hamilton Commission you can visit https://hamiltoncommission.squarespace.com/.
Source: The Royal Academy of Engineering