© Sulay Kelly for Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix Ltd.
George Russell responds to reports of online abuse aimed at him, and says: “Like Lewis said, you want to feel the support, not giving out negativity to others.”
In recent weeks, a portion of Lewis Hamilton‘s fans have become very loud in their suggestions that Lewis is being treated unfairly by Mercedes.
Some are even saying that Mercedes could be doing something to purposely slow Lewis down. Unfortunately, cases of online abuse aimed at George Russell have also been reported.
Ahead of the Spanish Grand Prix, Lewis and George answered questions about this in Mercedes’ Hospitality, and George said he did not personally see the comments.
“Personally I don’t look on Instagram or Twitter, to be honest,” the Briton said.
“I still control my own account, so I work with my team and all of the content that goes out is through me, and all of the captions, everything, is all of my messaging.
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“But I think social media is a really double-edged sword. There are so many funny things that you see on social media, and it keeps you up to date with so much.
“But then on the flip side it’s not just myself but everybody in the limelight, there seems to be negativity pointed towards them.
“Like Lewis said, you want to feel the support, not giving out negativity to others. It’s not something I’ve seen, I’ve heard about it.
“Of course it’s never nice to hear this stuff but that’s unfortunately the world we live in at the moment and what any person in the public eye is facing,” Russell concluded.